Ashish Patel: Notes

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ACID Properties

  1. Atomicity

    • Definition: Each transaction is all-or-nothing. If any part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails.
    • Example: If you're transferring money between bank accounts, either both the debit and credit occur, or neither does.
  2. Consistency

    • Definition: Transactions must move the database from one valid state to another, maintaining all predefined rules.
    • Example: If a transaction updates an account balance, the total amount of money should remain the same before and after the transaction.
  3. Isolation

    • Definition: Transactions should not affect each other. They should behave as if they're executed sequentially, even if they're run in parallel.
    • Example: If two transactions are occurring simultaneously, one transferring funds and another checking balance, they should not interfere with each other.
  4. Durability

    • Definition: Once a transaction is committed, it remains so, even in the event of a system failure.
    • Example: After a successful transfer, the system crashes. Once back up, the transaction should still be reflected in the database.


Imagine a bank transaction where Alice transfers $100 to Bob:

These properties ensure that databases operate correctly and predictably, even in complex scenarios.

Sharding is a database architecture pattern used to horizontally partition data across multiple servers, enabling systems to handle more data and transactions. It improves scalability and performance.


Sharding Key

Sharding Example

Imagine an e-commerce application with a database table Orders:

OrderID UserID Product Amount
1 101 Laptop 1200
2 102 Phone 800
3 103 Headphones 150
4 101 Monitor 300
5 104 Keyboard 100
  1. Choose a Sharding Key: Let's use UserID as the sharding key.

  2. Shard Distribution:

    • Shard 1: Users with IDs from 100 to 199
      • Orders for UserIDs 101 and 102
    • Shard 2: Users with IDs from 200 to 299
      • Orders for UserIDs 201 and 202


By choosing a proper sharding key, data is balanced across shards, minimizing data transfer and optimizing query performance.



  1. Scalability
    • Horizontal Scaling: Easily distribute data across multiple servers.
  2. Data Model Flexibility
    • Dynamic Schemas: When your data structure is evolving or unstructured.
  3. Performance
    • High Volume of Reads/Writes: Low-latency requirements for large datasets.
  4. Specific Use Cases
    • Big Data Applications: Handling massive data and analytics.
    • Real-Time Applications: Such as chat apps or IoT platforms.
    • Content Management Systems: With varied and flexible content types.

Key Considerations

Created 2024-07-25T13:55:32+01:00, updated 2024-08-01T11:33:35+01:00 · History · Edit