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Consistency Pattern

Methods to ensure data consistency across distributed systems. Three main types:

Strong Consistency

Immediate data updates, high integrity, but low availability and high latency2. Example - when a user initiates a transfer of funds from one account to another, the system immediately updates the balance of both accounts and all other system components are immediately aware of the change. This ensures that all users can see the updated balance of both accounts and prevents any discrepancies.

Weak Consistency:

Delayed data updates, high availability, low latency, but potential inconsistencies. Example - When a user plays a game, their actions are immediately visible to other players in the same data center, but if there was a lag or temporary connection loss, the actions may not be seen by some of the users and the game will continue. This can lead to inconsistencies between different versions of the game state, but it also allows for a high level of availability and low latency.

Eventual Consistency:

Data updates eventually propagate, balancing availability and integrity, but with possible temporary inconsistencies. Example - An example of eventual consistency is a social media platform where users can post updates, comments, and messages. The platform is designed for high availability and low latency, so the data is stored in multiple data centers around the world. When a user posts an update, the update is immediately visible to other users in the same data center, but it may take some time for the update to propagate to other data centers. This means that some users may see the update while others may not, depending on which data center they are connected to. This can lead to inconsistencies between different versions of the data, but it also allows for a high level of availability and low latency.

Availability Pattern

Created 2024-07-25T00:51:34+01:00, updated 2024-07-25T10:01:01+01:00 · History · Edit